The 2.3 code has the 0x77 address defined by default, but when trying to use the baro the GUI shows that there are I2C errors and will not stop until you comment out the baro sensor. This lead me to believe that there was a change in this definition between Multiwii 2.2 and 2.3.
When comparing the code I noticed that there was an address change. In the Sensor.cpp comment out the line with the 0x77 address and uncomment the 0x76 address line. It should look like the following:
#if !defined(MS561101BA_ADDRESS)//#define MS561101BA_ADDRESS 0x77 //CBR=0 0xEE I2C address when pin CSB is connected to LOW (GND)
#define MS561101BA_ADDRESS 0x76 //CBR=1 0xEC I2C address when pin CSB is connected to HIGH (VCC)
I jumped over the the Config.h file and commented out the individual sensors I specified when testing the try to use the Combined IMU setting. I initially used and found that my I2C errors were back.
#define QUADRINO_ZOOM // full FC board 9DOF+baro board from witespy second edition
I commented out the above line and tried the following line with no more I2C error:
#define QUADRINO_ZOOM_MS// full FC board 9DOF+baro board from witespy second edition <- confirmed by Alex
Hope this helps anyone that runs into the same issue I was having with the Quadrino board
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