Crius v2.5 Multiwii Flight Controller Board

With this Crius v2.5 board there is little no no documentation on what settings to load sketches and a predefined board type. When looking at the Multiwii Boards from HobbyKing I noticed that they had a board with the same sensors as the Crius v2.5 board.

Mine came loaded with Multiwii v 2.2 but I was having issues connecting and loading the PID and other settings over Bluetooth. It turned out that was due to the baud rate being incorrect, but it forced me to dig into what sketch settings to use.

I was using the Android Multiwii Configurator App from the Android Market but it currently does not support Multiwii 2.2.

To flash the board you want to use the Arduino Duemilanove / ATmega328 when writing your sketch to your board.

I wanted to see if I could take the HK_MultiWii_SE_V2 settings and define the board with MultiWii  2.1 , in the conf.h I copy and pasted the new definition in the 2.1

In the 2.1 IMU Orientations and Sensor definitions I scrolled to the bottom to the last #endif and added the following code:

I flashed the board and checked the sensors in MultiWin Gui and everything was working great. I haven't tried to fly this configuration quite yet but I will a bit later today.

So far this boards configuration is the same as the MultiWii Se v2.0 Flight Controller from Hobbyking. The sensors and everything are the same except that the I2C has 8 pins on the Crius board.


  1. Hi, I bought this flight controller, and after hours forum readings, you are almost the first one talking about the V2.5 !
    I have problems during take off, my idle throttle speed is correct, but as soon as I add a bit of throttle, the quad flips.
    I'm almost out of propellers !
    Did you fly with yours?


  2. Hi Manu,

    I have several videos on youtube that I am flying with the CRIUS V2.5 board. Are you running a tricopter or a quad?

    One thing that I would do is make sure that your props are all facing the right direction, with the letters/stamping on the prop facing the sky. If you accidentally place one prop upside down it will cause the multirotor to instantly flip. How is your prop orientation also, you will want to reference the Arduino 328Pp on the multiwii connecting elements page here:

    Did you do an ESC calibration? I used the instructions from the multiwii Wiki to do mine (

    Also I would calibrate your MAG sensor, to do this you press the calibrate mag button in the gui or the mobile app and then you want to rotate your multirotor 360 degrees on every axis and then place your multirotor flat on the ground. You have about 30 seconds to do this and the lights on the board will flash while this is happening and then stop once the calibration is complete. After that I would also recalibrate the ACC, I use a level to make sure that my multi rotors are completely flat, if it is off at all i use paper under the landing gear to make it flat.

    I initially had problems with take off also, while i had the props off and connected to the GUI I checked the motor speed and noticed that the numbers were very far off. To fix this I used my sub trims on the DX6e to get the Pitch, Roll, and Yaw settings to 1500. Are you running SimonK flashed esc's?

    After you have everything setup I would take your multirotor outside, set it on the ground plug the battery in, wait 10 seconds, and then hold your multirotor from the bottom far above your head and slowly throttle up to no more than 50% throttle. This will let you see how your multirotor is responding, if you notice that you are not getting any or much thrust from one of the motors then it could be spinning the wrong direction. The props that have the letter R on them are for Clockwise rotation and the props that have no letter or the letter L are for Counter Clockwise rotation.

    Hope this could give you some insight in getting your multirotor off of the ground. Let me know if this helps you.

    Here are a few videos where I was flying with this board:

  3. Thank you Charles. I will start updating more after I get my CNC plasma project finished.



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